Promoting Green & Clean Enviroment & WildLife
Our mission is to create a world where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive life.
Enhancing global environmental leadership The Gurkani foundation has a global network of experienced and recognized specialists in various disciplines such as energy policy and energy economics, climate protection, institutional and political work at national and international levels, sustainable entrepreneurship, biodiversity, animal protection, education and agriculture. Our mission to create world where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive life.
Wildlife conservation is the preservation and protection of animals, plants, and their habitats. By conserving wildlife, we're ensuring that future generations can enjoy our natural world and the incredible species that live within it.
Empower People to Protect Wildlife
Over the last few decades, conservationists have come to understand just how central community involvement is to wildlife conservation success—and how important it is for communities to actively steward the natural resources around them to improve economic and social well-being. Gurkani Foundatin’s community-based conservation work today reflects this fundamental reality. We work across a variety of communities and customize our work based on the specific needs and interests of a given place, taking into consideration each region’s particular set of conservation assets and challenges.
A future for people and nature
Together we can challenge the threats to nature, and help ensure its ability to provide—for the sake of every living thing, including ourselves.

Saving a Planet of Life
We protect wildlife for many reasons. It is a source of inspiration. It nurtures a sense of wonder. It is integral to the balance of nature. In our work, The Gurkani Foundation focuses on saving populations of the most ecologically, economically and culturally important species in the wild. Ultimately, by protecting species, we save this beautiful, vulnerable and utterly irreplaceable planet we call home.

Our work is focused around 6 ambitious goals with people at the center
Gurkani Foundation’s work has evolved from saving species and landscapes to addressing the larger global threats and forces that impact them. Recognizing that the problems facing our planet are increasingly more complex and urgent, we have refined the way in which we work around an ambitious new strategy. Our new strategy puts people at the center and organizes our work around six key areas: forests, marine, freshwater, wildlife, food and climate. By linking these six areas in an integrated approach, we can better leverage our unique assets and direct all our resources to protecting vulnerable places, species and communities worldwide.
People are at the center of our work because together we can change the trajectory of the threats to nature, and help ensure nature’s ability to provide—for the sake of every living thing, including ourselves.
Give a gift that will help protect the future of nature. Make a symbolic adoption in support of Foundation's global efforts.
We work globally, with every sector, at every level
To accomplish our ambitious goals, we work to educate and influence people into making sustainable choices and decisions, including those who work in business and make decisions around the use of natural resources, and those who work in government and set policy that impacts nature.
We work globally at every level—in the field and in the local community, from the halls of government to the global marketplace. One of Gurkani Foundation’s strengths is our ability to engage stakeholders—in business, civil society, and academia—in partnerships to devise innovative solutions to the issues that challenge us.
Working together with 1.1 million supporters , Gurkani Foundation’s partners, projects and experts are making a difference in creating a healthy future for our planet.
Gurkani Wildlife Café
Gurkani Wildlife Café holds space for conversations that reveal the fascinations and wonders of our biodiverse planet with conservationists who are dedicated to protecting wildlife and wild places. This series fosters dialogue among conservation experts to explore ideas and share experiences and stories from the wildlife conservation community.

Environmental DNA
By taking samples of soil, water, snow, or even air, we can access the environmental DNA (or eDNA) that animals naturally shed—like hair, skin, and feces—as they move through their environment. eDNA can then be used to detect endangered species, study the impacts of climate change, alert us to invisible threats such as pathogens, and assess the overall health of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.